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Domain Names

'The Company' means: AGS Global Ltd, t/a TEC2 Computer Services whose registered office is Lakeview House, Billericay, Essex CM12 0EQ. 'Customer' means: the Customer of tec2 Limited. 'Services' means: services provided by the Company either in the direct or indirect control of the Company. 'Website' means: A website and all associated files. Service means: Services supplied by the company to the customer.

New Domain Name Registrations
The Company will use its best endeavours to effect the successful registration of a domain name itself or through its agents as  requested by the Customer. The Company does not accept any liability whatsoever in failing to register such domain names requested by the Customer.

It is the Customer's responsibility to ensure that the details provided for whom a new domain is to be registered are correct and valid at the time of submitting a new domain name registration to The Company. Details must include the the registrants name, company or individuals name, full address, post code, country, a valid email address and international telephone number. 

Cancellation of a New Domain Registration
The Company does not operate a cancellation process for new domain name registrations or refund any charges in respect of the domain name registration.

Domain Name Transfers
When requested to transfer a domain to another host The Company will endeavour to complete its obligation within 5 working days. Where The Company is not the administration contact of a domain name The Company gives no warranties for the completion of any transfer. Exception: No domain name can be transferred to an alternative host if a Customer's account is in arrears whether the domain is owned by the Customer or not. 

Domain Name Renewals
Where The Company acts as the billing contact with a recognised registrar or naming authority The Company will via email advise the Customer of the due renewal of a domain name. If the Customer fails to respond to renewal notices the domain name shall not be renewed. 

Amending Domain Name Registrants Details
If The Company is the administration contact for a domain name the Customer will when appropriate request The Company to amend registrants details accordingly. These changes will be effected by The Company free of charge except where a change of ownership  is applicable.

Naming Authority/Registrar charges
Domain name registration/renewal fees will be paid by The Company on behalf of the Customer.

Use of Domain Names
The registration and use of domain names on the internet are subject to the relevant naming authority/registrar with whom the domain name have been registered.,,,,
All new domain registrations and registrar transfers for 

are processed through by CSL GmbH d/b/a
Gerneral T&C of Joker
Addendum of T&C if you register .info
Addendum of T&C if you register .biz

Limitations - Business Customers Only
Whilst The Company will at all times make every effort to ensure the performance and delivery of Services that are directly within its control or not, The Company gives no warranties of any kind, expressed or implied for services provided to the Customer. The Company disclaims any warranty or fitness for a particular purpose. This includes loss of business, custom, loss of data and all service interruptions unless otherwise stated by The Company or agreed with the customer in writing.

The Customer will have no recourse to The Company if a customers account is in arrears; The Company has suspended or withdrawn services as a result of the customer being in breach of any of the terms in the use of the services; is subject to a wind-up order,  has been placed into receivership, or ceased trading. 

The Customer agrees that it shall defend, indemnify, save and hold harmless The Company from any and all demands, liabilities, losses, costs and claims, including all legal fees, that may arise or result from any service provided or performed or agreed to be performed by a Customer, its clients, agents, employees or representatives. (1) any injury to person or property caused by any products sold or otherwise distributed in connection with The Company's services; (2) any material supplied by customer infringing or allegedly infringing on the proprietary rights of a third party; (3) copyright infringement and (4) any defective Product sold via The Company's services.

These terms and conditions are subject to English Law.

The Company reserves the right to revise these terms at any time without due notice.

Last revised 13th May 2010



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© Copyright 1999-2009, AGS Global Ltd, Registered Office: Lakeview House, Billericay, Essex CM12 0EQ